Game Dev Heroes 2020 Shortlist!
Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations for Game Dev Heroes 2020!
It’s been a… weird year. In the midst of the world shutting down, for us to receive nearly 700 nominations was truly unexpected but also very reassuring. As ever, the nominations that you’ve sent in have surprised, impressed and delighted, and with 700 to manage it’s been tougher than ever to objectively reduce that down to the shortlists for each category.
One result of this is that we’re introducing ‘honourable mentions’ for each category this year. We don’t want you to think of these mentions as simply those who “didn’t make the cut” or “runners up”. These are people that would certainly have made the shortlist under different circumstances. They’ve shown that they are just as much a hero to people as anyone can be.
The category shortlists have been compiled below, alongside many very notable honourable mentions. The shortlists themselves have been formed entirely based on the merit of the nominations that we’ve received.
The nominations this year have been, as ever, numerous and heartfelt. Every one of the people below has impressed and inspired, and is already seen as an unsung hero or role model to others, and we hope you’ll join us in congratulating their achievement.
With no physical awards event this year, winners will be revealed here and on our social channels from the 12th October onwards. Follow our social channels or join our mailing list on the banner below for updates on the event.
Art + Animation Hero Shortlist

Design Hero Shortlist

Leadership Hero Shortlist

Marketing Hero Shortlist

Production Hero Shortlist

Programming Hero Shortlist

Progression Advocate Shortlist

QA Hero Shortlist

Sound Hero Shortlist

Unsung Hero Shortlist

Writing + Narrative Hero Shortlist